Monday, May 19, 2008

three days of holiday

These three days of holiday is quite short, but dunno why it seem quite long for me, which is a good thing. haha.

Made the paper weight in school, hope it turned out well. But i got a feeling that the shell i put will sink and will appear at the surface, popping out. Hope it doesn't, =S.

The technician from singnet came to fix my Internet-phone problem, but in the end when i came back from school, it's still not fixed. The technician said there is nothing wrong with the socket, so just change the modem. And i did it, changed the modem to a new one (got it last time when i changed the plan). And it worked! Finally, can use Internet and the house phone at the same time.
Nothing special, did my Chinese work and watched 花样少年少女, just loved it! Also watched the 我猜我猜我猜猜猜, because the guest are those in 星光三班, the three who represent Singapore are also in the show. Three of them did sing in the show, quite nice.
Went for a BBQ party at my aunt's house. The food are nice, and juts found out that we can actually eat the prawn WITH its shell. All along, i hate prawns, know why? Cause need to remove the shell, quite troublesome. haha. But when i found out from my uncle that i can actually eat the shell (provided it is crispy....), i think yesterday is the day that i ate the most number of prawns in my life. It was really NICE, CRISPY, and WOOOO.....should try it. Really, just try it, but i didnt eat the head, is sort if disgusting to eat the head......Also had bbqed-marshmallow, i bought 2 packs, 1 pack is those white ones, original, then the other one is a fruity flavour, consist of 4 colours. But the fruity one turned out bad, dun really like it, too sweet. But luckily, there are little kids around, and they managed to finish it. So still prefer the original one.
hmmm, nothing special again, stayed at home the whole day. Continue with my Chinese work. And came to blog. That's all.

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