Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a long trip!!!

Yesterday, school ends early, and i went to get the goodie bag i won for the high school musical contest in IN. But before i blog about the goodies, i want to share a funny thing with all of you....
It happened yesterday, during the last period of school, chemistry lesson.....

Mrs Ooi was going through with the chemistry practise paper and suddenly Mr Chia came in and asked those history elective students to go out of the classroom to get our history TYS. I was copying something down form the whiteboard so went out later. And we gathered around him, get the book and went in the class. But immediately after i got my book, qinning called me and told me something.....

qinning: eh, you know what happen just now?
me: dunno?
qinning: just now when you are still inside the classroom, i was already outside and while i was walking towards Mr Chia, you know what he said to me?
me: erm, dunno?
qinning: he actually said, 'shihui, ...(i forgot what's the question, but that's not important)', then i told him, 'erm, i am not shihui'. Mr chia repiled, 'really? you two look alike....'
(no wonder he kept looking at me when i walked towards him.....)
me (looked shocked, O.O): what?!?!?!? IMPOSSIBLE!!!! We are like totally not alike lah! haha...
qinning : i dunno, haha.....he really said that....haha.....
shihui: but really impossible, i am much taller than you....HAHA!!!!
qinning: dunno leh....but he is the second person to say that we are alike, you should know right?
shihui: i dunno that someone said that before, this is the first time that i heard that...
qinning: i am so happy that he said that....

Ya, really SHOCKED!!! But dunno why qinning say she very happy when Mr chia said that....i asked my mum too, and she said, 'isit because of the fringe? or is your teacher teach till blur liao?' Maybe, cause qinning's fringe is clipped up, whereas mine is let down that kind.
Okay, back to the goodie bag. Took me a long time to travel, walk and wait to get the goodie bag. The SPH is like at braddell, then i took bus 157 to there. Thought just need to cross over then reach le, but didnt expect there are 2 damm big roads, like HIGHWAY, between the bus stop i alighted and the SPH. Need to use the overhead-bridge to cross over and in order to go to the overhead-bridge, still need to walk a distance. Then after i get down on the other side, still need to walk a distance to go to the SPH. WAH, really very tired after all the walking with MY SCHOOLBAG.
After i got the goodie bag, i found out like not worth $40...but better than nothing la. And worst still, i thought the cd is like the 'high school musical 2', but it's not, it's 'hight school musical ONE'.
the things i got:
This video VERY NICE and funny!!! A girl call 'wenzi' in hei she hui mei mei, danced yi zhi du xiu, is IDENTICAL to SHOW's!!! She even danced with SHOW and his dancers. MUST WATCH!!!!

This one is before the above one, wenzi danced a combine dance of SHOW's.


Saturday, April 12, 2008


*YAY* Finally my CIP is ......ALMOST done. Only left the outline, really have a lot of fun drawing, painting and playing. LOVE IT!!! JEALOUS? ENVY? AHaaahaa.....though it took us quite a long time to do, it's worth it. It can be considered as a once a life time experience, which we may not get it in the future......will remember this forever....

Pictures will do all the talking for me about this CIP, many things happened, especially today. "GO AWAY!.....dun bother me....please...."

Gonna finish soon.....


Friday, April 4, 2008


Another week gone, this week is quite tiring for me as i had Sport's Day on Wednesday. Want to know the result? haha, maybe most of you have know it already, i got 1st for my race!!! Haha, but again, almost lost my breath after the race. Cannot breathe properly, both my legs are like numb, to reward myself, went to have PIEKIA with shunyu and yingjie. Their pies are really nice, especially the crust. Bought four home for my family mum was like so touched by me...HAHAaaa.........She was like saying, ‘哇!我好感动.....感动到.....流泪....’ Is like *dots*.......haha....but they are quite expensive too, one from the range of $1 to $1.40.

I like the new house tee too, dry fit. For my house, it's lime green in colour, really very nice. Even yunqi bought one for herself too. Oh and, my house finally 出人头地, cause we can finally emerge top three position among all the 5 houses. It's my last year here and it's a surprise for me that my house can get 3rd, so *CLAPS*. Must work even harder next year! Must be the new house master and mistress that bring us luck! irritated by someone, you know who you are. UMBRELLA!!! You should know le huh.....=.=, please stop it....actually i wanted to say a lot of things about this, but is like so bad to do it on a blog where everyone can see, so i press 'del' for the whole chunk. SO PLEASE, dun do it again, i am so embarrassed by it. Luckily you didnt bring umbrella today, if not, you will really open your umbrella, IN CLASS!!! O.O PLEASE!!!! DUN DO IT AGAIN!!! If you want to shelter a person, go shelter her, she suit you most.

Did CIP - painting of walls on the corridor of a childcare, last Saturday, maybe after tomorrow then i post the pictures. Really had a lot of fun drawing and painting on the wall, a tiring work as the wall is quite big and long, but enjoyed it!!! Because it was my first time painting walls, having artwork on maybe once in a life time chance for me to draw and paint on walls.....

Found this video, didnt know that Stephani sun had a MV with Bang Bang Tang, quite nice!!! Watch....
this one is they performed on a show.....

then this is the MV, got more.....

This is the 幕后花絮....funny too....ahhhhhaaaaa