Sunday, February 24, 2008

L changes the world

Watched 'L changes the world', it was nice, but was not better than the deathnote 1 and 2. I still prefer deathnote 1 and 2 as they are more exciting and thrilling....'L changes the world' is more of violent and a bit scary. The way the people died is so cruel and disgusting, halfway through the movie i stopped eating my popcorn as i was disgusted by it. Feel of puking, or maybe is because of the coke.
Shouldn't have bought the large coke, qinning and i can't finish it as we were very full with the popcorn. Haiz, what a waste, still left half cup. Oh, and the cinema was really very cold, MUST BRING A JACKET NEXT TIME!!! If not will suffer like me, need to sit on my hands to keep them warm. Luckily my bag was big enough to cover it too.
Shunyu, qinning, thitipat and i actually reach doby ghaut at 3pm to have sakae sushi as early dinner......BUT when we reach there then found out that they only have buffet from 11am to 3pm fro weekend, only for weekdays then is from 3pm to 6pm. GOT WRONG INFO!!!!!
*SIGH* cant eat sushi. dying to eat for a long time, and still can't have it, SADDED!!!
They have their lunch at yoshinoya and i just sit by and see, so pitiful right? haha, no la, i had a some lunch at home before i come out, so didn't eat. They finish their lunch at around 3.30pm or 3.45pm, how to 'kill' time? Our movie will only start at 6.30pm!!! Still got 2 hours to go......=.='''''
Went to the outdoor area at vivo to 'kill' time, by sitting around there, chatting and looking at the scenery. *PHEW* dunno why the time flies very fast, so didn't felt that bored. Went to meet up with jiaying, they all and went in for the show.
After the show, went to the toliet. We actullay came out of the toliet after the boys lo, all four of the girls leh....haha. Then home with jiaying and jingchao by mrt. Shunyu by bus 963 and most importantly, qinning and thitipat by bus 61. Sure have a good time chatting right??? HAHAHA....
This video is more clear....qinning, MUST WATCH!!!! Very funny too....

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