Friday, September 14, 2007


I am so tired.......restless. Immediately after holidays, i had exactly one week of test, almost very day i had testSSSS. Mr quek, you are right, THIS IS HELL.......

As you all know, SHOW Luo Zhi Xiang is having a concert, Show on Stag Singapore 2007 <一支獨SHOW>. But the bad thing is that my mum DUN let me go for the concert, cause she say the ticket too expensive le.


Maybe you think i am over-reacting, hahaaa. Anyway, Show got ahis version of 'Bet On It' from the Disney telemovie. The Asia special edition of High School Musical 2 soundtrack will be out in stores from SEPTEMBER 17, SUPPORT HIM!!! =]
Now, this is his version of 'Bet On It', DAMM NICE, MUST WATCH!!!!

Cool right? With those glowing things. He appears to be playing basketball+baseball+ninja in this MV. I AM SURE YOU ENJOYED IT!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Just want to add on, on my post today. JUST WANNA INFORM EVERYONE OUT THERE THAT SHOW's CONCERT IS ON THE 1ST OF DECEMBER. Go support him!!! I really want to go, but cant find anyone to go with me. THOSE WHO ARE GOING, PLS TELL ME SO THAT I CAN GO WITH YOU!!! THANKS!!!

My KNEE.....

First i want to say to 3e3 captain's ball team -shunyu, yingjie, yunqi, wenting, yiting, lilin and me, NICE JOB!!! Although we didnt got first, but we at least so call got 'third', and WE HAD LOTS OF FUN!!! But, someone still got hurt, YINGJIE. Someone bumped into her, then her specs was bent and spoiled. As for me, i injured my KNEE.

I think i because i didnt land properly or what, i injured my knee. During the game, as i run, my knee hurts. After the game, when i walked up the stairs, my knee also hurt. I thought my knee will be better next day, so just apply some ointment. But my knee didnt get better, still the same, hurts when i bent it. So i went to the 'tui na shi fu' to get my knee treated. I am not afraid of the treatment because i did these kind of treatment before. The first time was my ankle, this time is the second time, my knee.

The 'shi fu' apply some ointment then kept rubbing my knee, after that, he sort of heat up my knee by using a heater. The heating took about 10 mins, and then he carried on with the rubbing and adding of the ointment. THEN, he started pulling my leg, and turned my joint (knee). Then as he rubbed, sometimes he will like rubbed my thighs. That part was very sensitive, as in, it is very ticklish. Whenever he rubbed my thighs, i tried my best to '忍'. I '忍' as long as i could le, BUT you know what? IN THE END, I SUDDENLY BURST INTO LAUGHTER!!! The 'shi fu' is like shocked then say,'很痒是吗?' OMG!!! I am like so embarrassed la, AHHAA......but i really cannot helped it. Luckily, after some pulling after my laugh, the treatment ended. *PHEW* If he continued, i dunno whether i will continue laughing or not......haha.

Now i am going to do the QUIZ, since there are two people who sabotaged me, i decided to do the quiz just for the latest person, tzumi. (shunyu, you cant possibly want me to do twice ba, will MAD de, haha...)
~~~The quiz~~~
List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for:
1) VERY GOOD results
2) Sling bag, that is big enough to put booksss
4) Handphone
5) Laptop

Answer the following questions :

1. The person who tag you is?

2. Your relationship with him/her is?

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her.
Fashionable, quiet in class, nice girl, like taking photos and polite.

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Bought me the 'wo shi da ming xin' together with shunyu and jiaying.
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you?
Must remember her???

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
Nothing, as it's mission impossible for her to be my lover.....

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
Cant be.....

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
She cannot be my enemy de la.....
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
Dunno leh, err, fulfil her wishes?

11.Your overall impression of him/her is?
Nice and good person

12.How you think people around you will feel about you?
Boring? Quiet? Hardworking? Nerdy?

13.The character you love of yourself are?
Laugh uncontrollably.....

14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?
Not sociable....
15.The most ideal person you want to be is?
Be myself, the one and only SHIHUI.

16.Pass this quiz to 10 persons:
1) Jiaying
2) Qinning
3) Qinxin
4) Fiona
5) Christine
6) Belinda
7) Agnes
8) Josephine
9) Jaslyn
10) Lilin
17. Who is no.6 -[belinda]- having relationship with?
Is there any?

18. Is no.9 -[jaslyn]- a male or female?
Female, but she has SHOW de hair, haha

19. If no.7 -[agnes]- and 10 -[lilin]- are together, will it be a good thing? will be good if one of them is a guy....

20. How about no.8 -[josephine]- and 5-[christine]?
Also the same, mission impossible.

21.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3-[qinxin]-?
SMS can? it will be just 2 days back
22.What kind of music band does no.8-[josephine]- like?
err..haha, no idea?

23.Does no.1 -[jiaying]- has any siblings?
Yup, one younger brother and younger sister.

24.Will you woo no.3 -[qinxin]-?
I am not a lesbian leh....

25. Is no.4 -[fiona]- single?

26. What's the surname of no.5 -[christine]-?
chew, chewing gum

27. What's the hobby of no.4 -[fiona]-?
being hyper and high?

28. Do no.5 -[christine]- and 9 -[jaslyn]- get along well?
very well, they are like sisters

29. Where is no.2 -[qinning]- studying at?
BBSS, 3e3....same class as me

30 Talk something casually about no.1-[jiaying]-?
skinny and underweight

31. Have you try developing feelings for no.8 -[jospehine]-?

32. Where does no.9 -[jaslyn]- live at?
hee hee, dunno.

33. What color does no.4 -[fiona] like?

34. Are no.5-[christine]- and 1-[jiaying]- best friends?
they are quite good with each other.....

35. Does no.7 -[agnes]- likes no.2 -[qinning]-?
NO?!?!?! Agnes attached, qinning also attached.

36. How do you get to know no.2 -[qinning]-?
through our CCA, NETBALL!!!

37. Does no.1 -[jiaying]- have any pets?
ya, she got guppies.....

38. Is no.7 -[agnes]- the sexiest person in the world?
sexy? abit weird to say that. maybe pretty would be a better word.
I would like to post these pictures as i think those people who LOVE music would really want this to be as their home. This home is really NICE!!!