That day i helped out moving the bed, it was so TIRING. the bed is like so heavy and we (my dad, mum and me) moved and arranged the bed so many times to move it to the parent's bedroom. The reason is that the bed is so big and bulky, and near the door there is another added edge, making the ceiling even lower (for the bed, of course). We had to move it to the room opposite my bedroom, flip it then move it back, flip it again, push, blahblahblah...........
THEN, finally we reached my parent's bedroom.......*phew*
My parent's new bed
After 2 days.......the new double decker bed finally arrived. It is blue in colour, some parts are made of plastic while the others are made of metal. I like it soooooo much.
And, most importantly my new cover for my bed is YELLOW in colour, my favourite colour. So, do you know where i sleep? Is it on top or below? ITS THE TOP!!! I like the top as there isnt anything covering me, its only the ceiling. With my own bed, i can have whatever things to be placed on it. Therefore, i took out my Garfield, and placed it there and accompany me when i am sleeping.
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