Saturday, September 22, 2012

Recess week is here....

And so finally.....recess week is here. This sums up the six weeks of schools and now I have 1 week to prepare my 5 mid terms. 5! OMG. Lucky is not all together in one week. One of them is immediately the week after recess week and the others all fall on the following week after that. I have so many mid terms is also partly because 2 of my modules don't have finals, so have more tests and assignments. 

Anyway, I'm thinking of cutting my hair. It's just too looooong and thick. I really have the urge to cut it short for once. But I scared it won't turn out good. And also, I'll miss my long hair......once I cut it, IT WILL BE GONE. FOR. A. LONG. TIME. I have long hair since young. When I was in primary 2, I cut it short once and then LONG HAIR ALL THE WAY TILL NOW. And I recently realized I can do a lot with long hair such as the different kinds of braids which I'm trying to learn now. I kinda got fish braid already, it's really pretty! Should I cut it short and have a change? SHOULD I?

I was trying to see how will I look in bob hair, this photo kinda depicts how will I look with short hair...not bad right? HAHA.....Anyway, see my new specs! LOVE IT TTM!!! I've been wearing it to school everyday this week! Other than loving it.....the main reason is because I want to cover my face as my face was peeling and shedding like mad. I had IFG netball last weekend, on both saturday and sunday. The weather was super good and therefore I had a 'GOOD' tan! My face was literally black on monday. Then it starts to peel and shed the old skin away? My whole face was wrinkled up can! I remember the last time I end up like that was because I spent my day at the beach for the whole day with my family. And that was SUPER long ago. And now, with just 2 days I can end up like that. I don't even need to be at the beach, just under the sun at the netball court will end up like that already! And talking about science netball was 3 points away from 3rd! So close of getting the bronze medal! So close yet so far! We were competing with Medicine. We lost by some points for the 1st and 2nd quarters but managed to catch up and be on par for the 3rd quarter. And what's even better was that Medicine didn't even get a chance to score in the 3rd quarter. So we really did a good job! But still, lost to them in the last quarter by 3 points. Kinda wasted.....*ohwells* If time permit, I'm gonna join again and determine to win Medicine next year! Team science does have the standard and skills! Next year! Have to beat them! 

So back to the question: Should I cut my hair short? ><

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Brand new month :)

I had a great start for the month of september! I started today by heading to the basketball court to train my shots. The weather was awesome! I'm so afraid that it will rain.....

I hope this month will be a good one. Up till now there's 2 things for me to look forward to: chilling session with the girls and interfaculty games.

My family and I went out for dinner just now. I had 五香, rojak, mushroom curry puff and ice teh. I think I gain back all the calories I lost during netball and volleyball training....:(