Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm 18

One year older......time really files. 2 years back i was taking O Levels, and now, few more months taking A Levels. I want to thank all my friends who wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY, really appreciate it.
This birthday, i didnt buy anything for myself, cause didnt have anything in mind. But this year, i bought some things i have always wanted. Earlier this year, bought a high waist short when i'm at 313 with shunyu. Then, 2 or 3 months back, FINALLY GOT MY HANDS ON THE 时尚酷墨镜 together with 小猪 罗志祥 album (read my previous post). The 时尚酷墨镜 is really VERY COOL~~!!! LOVE IT!!! And really, i wore it and shook my head till the max, it really didnt fall off. But i doubt i will wear it in singapore when i'm out, the most on my wrist.

Few days back, i watched 娱乐百分百and got to know this singer 蓝又时-Shadya, her voice is really nice. I like her new album《伦敦的爱情》a lot, all the songs are like what she said, 'after listening to it, you can heal your 'wounds' yourself' I'm not saying that i have any wounds to be healed but it's really nice and relaxing when listening to her songs. I can't exactly explain it, watch these MV.
1) 伦敦的爱情
2) 一体两面
The second singer is 郭采洁-Amber, her new song -卡通人生 is really cute, i dunno where i hear the music/tune before, really familiar, is it some advertisement? I really have no idea, anyone has the same feeling?
After searching this MV on YouTube, found this 'Lollipop' by MIKA, so i think the卡通人生 is a remake/another version.

Today, went for a jog to burn off calories. Haha, but dun think will work, cause for BOTH lunch and dinner, i had DUMPLINGS. Can you imagine that? I ate LOTS of RICE today. Must go for a jog tomorrow. MUST! GO SHIHUI! Haha......really guilty......and i was still thinking whether or not to have Mac breakfast tomorrow. HAHA.....shihui is going to become a fatso soon.......